What is Cryotherapy?

Maybe you have an injury or you’re recovering from a recent surgery? Have you suffered from chronic pain, fibromyalgia, or rheumatoid arthritis? Cryotherapy can help with pain management in arthritis and help recovery quicker from endurance exercise.

New Age Farming

Overview of Morehead Indoor Farm

With extreme droughts, raging wildfires, flash floods and a rapidly changing climate threatening agriculture as we know it, an out-of-the box thinker created high-tech indoor farms.

Depression and Heart Surgery

Image of a depressed man looking out the window.

The fact is that depression is a very real problem in bypass patients. Kathryn Berla, EdD discusses things to do to help.

Nutrition 101 for Seniors

older couple cooking and smiling

Nutrition changes and is even more important as we age. Follow these simple tips for healthy living from your 50 and beyond.